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Monday, October 3, 2011


Conversion of Sentence 

Interrogative to affirmative

With a view to changing sentence from interrogative to affirmative,we can do in the following way
a.if there is any aux.verb(to be,to have,modals)before the subject,we can place the aux. Verb after the subj. And delete question mark with a fulstop.i.e.

Is he clever?
He is clever.
Can you help her?
You can help her.

b.if there is to do verb before the subj.,the to do verb should be deleted.The question mark is replaced with a fulstop and the main verb of the sentence will be used according to the tense of the to do verb of that sentence.i.e.

Does he make a noise?
He makes a noise.
Do they go there?
They go there.
Did she play then?
She played then.

If there is does before the subject in interrogative sentence,s/es will be added after the verb in affirmative sentence.For do before the subject, the basic form of verb will be used and for did before the subject,the tense of verb in affirmative sentence will be in the past tense.


  1. very nice blog on english grammar learning.Thanks a lot.

  2. very nice blog on english grammar learning.Thanks a lot.
